Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wall-E Questions

1. What are some of the prevailing themes in Wall-E? List at least 3 and choose one to explain in greater depth. Explain your answer.
2. How does the movie explore the theme? Give examples.

3. Wall-E uses references to 20th and early 21st century media, design, and society. Give examples. Why do you think these have been included in the film?

4. Choose from the following: sound design, character design, cinematography, editing, script, architecture, lighting, character animation, or music. How was the particular element used to convey emotion, describe context, move the plot etc…Describe an instance in which your chosen element is used effectively.

5. The movie uses repeated motifs (for example the cockroach getting run over). Describe one and explain why you think it is repeated.

6. The robots take on human characteristics and the humans have taken on robotic characteristics. What does this serve?

7. Overall, would you describe this film as a “good” film? Why? Why not? What would you change?

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